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Outsourcing non-public use national property
No. Title Publish time
1 Q1:What is outsourcing non-public use national property? 2019-11-18
2 Q2:What agencies are responsible for outsourcing non-public-use national property? 2019-11-18
3 Q3:To whom/what will a NPA branch (office) outsource non-public-use national property? 2019-11-18
4 Q4:How long is a term of outsourcing non-public-use national property? 2019-11-18
5 Q5:In what circumstances will non-public-use national property be outsourced? 2019-11-18
6 Q6:What royalties should be paid by the outsourcing contractor? 2019-11-18
7 Q7:Can the contract royalty be paid by installment? 2019-11-18
8 Q8:What are the restrictions on the use of non-public-use national property for outsourcing? 2019-11-18
9 Q9.What are the outsourcing contractor’s rights and obligations regarding the non-public-use national property? 2019-11-18
10 Q10:What documents are required by the application for outsourcing of non-public-use national property? To what unit(s) should application be made? 2019-11-18
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