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Application for Access of Files

Applicant requirements

The general public and profit-making businesses, agencies and groups or their representatives or proxies.

Method of application

Applicants should fill in the Application Form for Access to Archives and deliver the application to the NPA in person or by post.


1.    “Archive” refers to the text or non-text data and its annexes archived for management with respect to the NPA File Management Procedures.

2.   The NPA may reject the application for access to archives involved with information specified in Article 18 of the Archives Act, including

(1)  Archives involved with classified national security information.

(2)  Archives involved with criminal data.

(3)  Archives involved with trade secrets.

(4)  Archives involved with technique information and qualification reviews.

(5)  Archives involved with personnel management and salaries.

(6)  Archives must be kept confidential by law or under contracts. 

(7)  Other causes to ensure public interest or a third party's due right or interest.

3.    After accepting an application, the NPA will make a decision on the approval or rejection of the application within 30 days and notify the applicant.

Before viewing archives, applicants should show and submit the following proof of identity:

1.    The original copy of the Notice of Approval for Access to Archives and the Access to Archives Checklist.

2.    Certification of identify of applicants. Individual applicants should submit the original copy and the photocopy of their citizen identity card. Profit-making businesses or agencies or groups should submit the company (business) registration or entity registration documents (The submitted copy should note that “This copy is identical to the original copy. The bearer shall assume full legal liability for using false copies.” and be signed), and the documents of proof of the responsible person, statutory representative, or manager.

3.    In addition to the above documents of proof, the representative or proxy should also submit the original copy and photocopy of its citizen identity card and the original copy of the power of attorney (assignment). When submitting a photocopy of its citizen identity card, the representative or proxy should make an affidavit to ensure that the photocopy is identical to the original copy.


1.    Viewing and hand copying of archives: NT$20 every two hours. Periods of less than two hours shall be charged at two hours.

2.    Photocopy of archives: NT$2 for each B4 sheet or smaller and NT$3 for each A3 sheet.

3.    When mail service is required after file duplication, the postage will be charged, with a handling fee of NT$50 each time.

Regulation, flowchart and forms

1.    Regulaions, for Access of Archives

2.    Notice for Access of Archives

3.    Fee Standards for Viewing, Hand-copying or Duplication of Archives

4.    Application for Access of Archives Flowchart

5.    Application form for archive access

6.    Access to Archives Checklis

7.    Archive Receipt

Navigating Electronic Agencies Records

Release date:2019-10-16 Last updated:2023-02-14