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Duties and Functions of Government Ethics

According to the “Act of the Establishment and Management of the Government Employee Ethics Units and Officers” and the “Enforcement Rules of the Act of the Establishment and Management of the Government Employee Ethics Units and Officers”, the duties and functions of the Government Ethics Office include:

  1. Promotion of anti-corruption and social participation.
  2. Stipulation, promotion and execution of anti-corruption regulations as well as preventive measures.
  3. Stipulation, coordination and promotion of anti-corruption initiative suggestions.
  4. Property declaration for government officials, recusal of conflicts of interest, as well as operations related to anti-corruption ethics.
  5. Handling of organization-related corruption and illegal matters.
  6. Thorough checks of operations with risks of corruption.
  7. Handling and coordinating organizational official confidential information.
  8. Handling and coordinating organizational safety maintenance.
  9. Other civil service ethics related matters.
Release date:2019-10-16 Last updated:2019-10-16