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Adoption for promotion of environmental protection


With the rise of the awareness of environmental protection and ecological education, to enhance the management efficiency of non-public-use marginal national land for the sustainable development of the environment, the NPA has established and promulgated the “Principles for Provision of National Non-public Use Marginal Land for Adoption for Environmental Protection Purposes” for environmental protection groups to adopt non-public-use marginal national land for promotion of environmental protection free of management fee before the disposition or use of such land.

The NPA regularly screens and provides to environmental protection groups a catalogue of targets of national non-public use land in coastal areas, wetlands, ponds, and the mountainside. Interested environmental protection groups may apply for adoption by submitting an adoption plan to the NPA branch (office) within the jurisdiction of the adoption target. After an internal review for compliance with the said Regulations and the approval in the joint review with the related competent authorities, an adoption contract will be signed with the applicant with a maximum adoption duration of six years. Applicants may re-apply for adoption after the contract expires.

Matters handled by environmental protection groups based on their founding aims:

1.   Affairs in relation to the organization and maintenance of the environment and ecological restoration.

2.   Organization of activities in relation to environmental protection and ecological conservation.

3.   Establishment of simple facilities with the consent of a NPA branch (office) and without violating land use control and related laws and regulations such as the Coastal Zone Management Act and the Wetlands Preservation Act, and without the need of a written consent issued by the execution agency.

 Responsibility, obligation, and the related limitations of environmental protection groups

1.    Exercise the due care of a good manager.

2.    Assist with patrol and control and the production of patrol and control records, and report the current land status to a NPA branch (office) regularly.

3.    Do not provide the land for use by a third party.

4.    During adoption, adopters do not need to pay the land use fee to the NPA branch (office). After adoption expires, adopters should communicate with the succeeding adopters of the related simple facilities established as requested. If the latter determines such facilitates are beneficial for land management and maintenance, adopters will not need to vacate them.

5.    All plants grown during adoption are owned by the country. Adopters must not claim for any rights nor request the NPA branch (office) to pay fees or compensations in any form.

6.    During contract termination, adopters should vacate the crops and return the land to the NPA branch (office) within 15 days, except for plants and crops that can be retained according to related regulations. Adopters should compensate for the consequential damages for breaching this contract.

Possible assistance from NPA branches (offices) for environmental groups

1.    After discovering disposal of waste on or occupation of the adoption target, adopters should report to the NPA branch (office) as quickly as possible.

2.    If the provision of seedlings, technical assistance, and funds from the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, is required, adopters should contact the NPA branch (office) to request for assistance.

Inspection of the status of use

During the adoption for promotion of environmental protection, the NPA branch (office) should perform documentary (mail) inspection or send staff to perform an onsite inspection of the adoption target regularly or irregularly.

Administrative Rules

Principles for Provision of National Non-public Use Marginal Land for Adoption for Environmental Protection Purposes

Related forms and records

Application Flowchart

Land Catalogue

Catalogue of Non-Public-Use Marginal National Land

Related links

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Release date:2019-11-22 Last updated:2019-11-22