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Application for purchase through tendering


1.    The NPA of the Ministry of Finance may sell through tendering unoccupied national houses or unoccupied national land not for public use without pre-designated use with an area under 1,650m2.

2.    With the approval of the Ministry of Finance, the NPA may sell through tendering national non-public real estates without tenancy or without nonconformity with the “direct sales” option as specified in Subparagraph 2, Paragraph 1, Article 42 of the National Property Act under any one of the following circumstances: 

(1)    Takeover and disposition as is with the approval of the Ministry of Finance.

(2)    Land with tombs onsite or already used for burial at takeover.

(3)    Land with complex land uses unable to be vacated for sales through tendering without a short time but required urgent disposition for special reasons.

3.    Except for national houses and construction sites exchanged from urban regeneration, no national land in Taipei City will be sold through tendering in response to the Executive Yuan’s policy.

Price evaluation

Prices are evaluated according to the market price, which refers to the market value of the evaluated national property at the time of evaluation.

Release date:2019-11-13 Last updated:2022-12-21