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Application for purchase of leased land


National non-public real estates that has been leased may be sold to the direct user under any one of the following circumstances:

1.     Leased construction sites or houses for offsetting tax according to the Estate and Give Tax Act.

2.     Construction sites located in regions other than a municipality and adjacent to national land with an area under 330m2 leased according to Subparagraphs 1 and 2, Paragraph 1, Article 42 of the National Property Act or a written tenancy contract made according to Subparagraph 3 of the same paragraph and article of the same act. The region and area limits in this subparagraph do not apply to the construction site for resettlement of resettled residents of infrastructure projects.

3.     Houses located on private sites leased according to Subparagraphs 1 and 2, Paragraph 1, Article 42 of the National Property Act or a written tenancy contract made according to Subparagraph 3 of the same paragraph and article of the same act.

Price evaluation

Prices are evaluated according to the market price, which refers to the market value of the evaluated national property at the time of evaluation.

Release date:2019-11-17 Last updated:2022-12-21