1. The applicant or predecessor has registered household at the said national house (actual use) since July 21, 1993 and agrees to pay the compensation for use over the years.
2. If the national house applied for lease is located on a private site, applicants should proceed with lease and purchase according to Subparagraph 2, Paragraph 1 of Article 42 and Paragraph 1 of Article 49 of the National Property Act.
Rent calculation
1. Site Monthly Rent = Declared Land Value of the Year x Leased Area x 0.05 ÷ 12. (to be paid when the leased premises include the site)
2. House Monthly Rent = Current Value Based on Which House (Property) Tax is Levied x Leased Area x 0.1 ÷ 12.
3. The rent is subject to change when there is a change in the declared land value, current value based on which the house (property) tax is levied, or the rent rate for direct lease by law during the tenancy.
Rent discounts
1. A 50% discount for use as self-residence (leased area under 300m2) or as arcades for public passage.
2. A 30% discount for active servicemen and their dependents for use as self-residence or a 50% discount for use as historical monuments.
3. Only one discount may apply to one leased property at a time. When the cause and fact of a rent discount extinguishes (e.g., land use change to non-residential use or withdrawal of household registration), the corresponding rent discount will end from the date of extinguishment of its cause and fact.