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Hot News
No. Title Publish time
1 Leasing announcement of 19lots of state-owned farm land from 2024.09.24to 2024.10.24.The deadline for application is until 2024.11.08.Please apply for the lease of farm lands.(Miaoli Office) 2024-09-24
2 Leasing announcement of 140 lots of state-owned farm land from 2024.9.20 to 2024.10.20.The deadline for application is until 2024.11.4.Please apply for the lease of farm lands.(Changhua Office) 2024-09-20
3 Leasing announcement of 26 lots of state-owned farm land from 2024.9.20 to 2024.10.20.The deadline for application is until 2024.11.4.Please apply for the lease of farm lands.(Changhua Office) 2024-09-20
4 Leasing announcement of 59lots of state-owned farm land from 2024.9.12to 2024.10.12.The deadline for application is until 2024.10.227.Please apply for the lease of farm lands.(Changhua Office) 2024-09-12
5 Leasing announcement of 49lots of state-owned farm land from 2024.9.9 to 2024.10.9.The deadline for application is until 2024.10.24.Please apply for the lease of farm lands.(Changhua Office) 2024-09-09
6 Leasing announcement of 19lots of state-owned farm land from 2024.08.26to 2024.09.26.The deadline for application is until 2024.10.11.Please apply for the lease of farm lands.(Miaoli Office) 2024-08-26
7 Leasing announcement of 3 lots of state-owned farm land. (Nantou Office) 2020-10-28
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